Our range of tools enables a unique, quantitative ‘deep dive’ into all aspects of running
an effective “customer-facing” operation
A unique approach and an expected 95% + participation rate gives you confidence in the results
that you see and more importantly in your subsequent plans for action
Suite summary
A suite of 5 Pilot500® propositions giving a deep dive into all key aspects of running an effective operation.
Many client companies run multi-country deployments and therefore these are often sponsored at a top leadership level;
for example Regional President, COO or CEO.
Where multiple countries are included then results are compared across the participating countries.

Pilot500® Field Force
Pilot500® Field Force is the main solutions available within the Pilot500® suite of offerings to help senior managers make decisions to help drive the performance of their organisation.
The main objective of implementing Pilot500® Field Force is to measure and improve the field execution of all related strategies and tactics and to identify opportunities to strengthen the overall Field Force effectiveness.
This will lead to improved decision making for running and resourcing the Field Force; therefore delivering an improved ROI.
Pilot500® Field Force offers a quantitative ‘deep dive’ into all aspects of running an effective field force operation; focusing on many key aspects
of both field force productivity and the implementation by the field force of brand and company strategy; organised into the ‘7 Management Keys’® of: Environment and Competitiveness, Operational Marketing, Organisation Support/Processes/Tools, Territory and Customer Management, Leadership and Management, Training and Development & Motivation and Reward.
The approach will determine each of the respondents preferred “Selling Style” using a proprietary Pilot500® defined set of questions and profiles on a 2D matrix of Results Orientation and Customer Orientation: Seller, Professional, Presenter and Relational. After 18 years experience, we have observed a consistent and high correlation between certain Selling Styles and Field Force performance.
Pilot500® FLM
Pilot500® FLM is one of the new solutions available within the Pilot500® suite of offerings to help senior managers make decisions to help drive the performance of their organisation.
The role of the FLM (First Line Manager) will be different in the next few years. They will work in a more collaborative way, with different managerial skills than today to be fully adapted to the new pharma environment.
Pilot500® FLM centres on specific aspects from the Pilot500® Field Force approach; but only centred on the aspects related to the first line managers. Pilot500® FLM can take the perceptions from both team members (direct reports) but also from Executive committee members who interact regularly with FLMs (such as GM, Marketing Director, BUDs, , Medical, and MSL Director, HR Director, Market Access Director, Legal…).
Such a project will lead to improved development of the FLM role and capability for the coming years; therefore delivering an improved performance.
Pilot500® MSL
The main objective of Pilot500 MSL is to measure and improve the field execution of all related strategies and tactics and to identify opportunities to strengthen the overall MSL team effectiveness. This will lead to better decision making for running and resourcing the MSL and field medical team.
Pilot500® MSL offers a quantitative ‘deep dive’ into all aspects of running an effective MSL/scientific field-based operation; focusing on many key aspects of both field productivity and the implementation by the MSL team of scientific and company strategy; organised into the ‘7 Management Keys’® of: Environment and Competitiveness, MSL/Medical & Marketing, Organisation Support/Processes/Tools, Territory and Customer Management, Leadership and Management, Training and Development & Motivation and Reward.
The main objective of implementing Pilot500® Onboarding is to facilitate the ‘onboarding’ of a new country Manager. In 8 weeks, the new GM will have a crystal clear view of their new organisation both at a field level and also from the office perspective…and “time is money”!
Pilot500® Onboarding is a combination of both Pilot500® Field Force and Pilot500® Office. Typically a Pilot500® Onboarding project might be conducted when a new country General Manager is in position as it gives a very quick and in-depth perspective across their whole country operation; both of the field operations as well as those based in the office. Although clearly this exercise could be conducted at any stage.
Pilot500® Onboarding offers a quantitative ‘deep dive’ into all aspects of running an effective operation; focusing mainly on key aspects of both strategy and its implementation and organised into the ‘7 Management Keys’® of: Environment and Competitiveness, Operational Marketing, Organisation Support/Processes/Tools, Resourcing, Planning & Partnership, Leadership and Management, Training and Development & Motivation and Reward.
“Pilot500® Executive is one of the new solutions available within the Pilot500® suite of offerings to help CEOs, COOs, Global HR make decisions to help drive the performance of their organisation.
The main objective of implementing Pilot500® Executive is to measure and improve the in-country understanding and execution of all related strategies and tactics and to identify opportunities to strengthen the overall organisational efficiency and effectiveness. This will lead to better decision making for running and resourcing the overall business therefore delivering an improved performance.
Typically a Pilot500® Executive project would collect, anonymously, perceptions from country General Managers considering their views on a range of aspects looking up the organisation, across it and also down it. The relative emphasis on these different perspectives would depend on the final questionnaire deployed.”
Pilot500® AD HOC
It’s also possible to implement a Pilot500 project totally customized with our clients.
Pilot500 “Global Marketing”: When Global Marketing Managers want to have a clear vision of their hundreds of Brands Managers, Marketing directors… across multiple subsidiaries / BU.
Pilot500 “Global SFE” : When Global SFE/ global Field excellence Directors want to have a clear vision of their hundreds of SFE Managers across multiple subsidiaries / BU.
If you want to know more, please contact us.
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